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18/06/24: blog post abt crochet!! 09/06/24: made a little list of short films recs with links!!
24/04/24: some graphic updates on the main page and on the haunted house shrine
15/04/24: new link on entertainment
9/04/24: new links on reading
4/04/24: new music page!
28/03/24: new art page!!
18/03/24: novo post no blog!! fabiano e fabiana
9/03/24: new shrine page!! haunted houses: a web weave
25/02/24: new homepage and "about me"
14/02/24: new link in reading
22/01/24: first blog post! top 20 filmes de 2023
08/01/24: update on "links"
04/01/24: atualização da página "escrita" e dos contos
02/01/24: update/opening the blog up to the world
27/12/23: it's alive!!!